Extensive Maine / New England Wildlife coverage. From Aerials to Underwater from Moose to Eels. All landscapes, all weather. Please inquire for specific request.
Chile, Chañaral de Aceituno region Humboldt Penguin Nature Reserve and new Marine Reserve. Underwater, Aerials, Shotover, Long lens. Humboldt Penguin, Bats, Marine Otter, Fur Seal, SA Sea Lion, Mola Tecta, Kelp, Short Fin Pilot Whales, Fin Whales, Blue Whales, Krill and general deep water and Kelp Life. Individual clips to complete sequences. Extensive coverage over 6 seasons.
Peru, Marcona, Punta San Juan Nature Reserve. 750,000 Guanay Cormorants nesting with eggs, bathing and in flight. Landscapes to nesting grounds. Inca Terns (fish exchange courtship), Other bird Species nesting, SA Sea Lion, Fur Seal, Kelp and cliffside landscape. From wide to tight shots.
Indonesia. Komodo Dragons on Beach, pre-mating behavior, wading, swimming (Split shots), Tounge etc. Rinca Island.
Mexico. Mako Sharks in open ocean. Various angles single individuals.
Mexico, Whale Shark Aggregation. Single, pair and large gatherings. Surface and underwater. Slow motion. Swimming, feeding on Bonito Eggs and vertical. Extensive coverage over 8 seasons .
Bahamas Bank, Spotted Dolphin Pods. Extensive coverage.
Short Reel Stock Sampler incudes Maine woods, rivers and forest, Moose, Sperm Whales, Indonesia, Blue Sharks Maine and Rhode Island, Mexico Billfish (Blue Markin, White Marlin and Sailfish). Indonesia various plus Ultra-Violet uw, Chile, Calbuco Volcano, Araucaria Forests, Conguillio, Torrent Ducks, Santiago landscape.
Chile - Mola Tecta (rate footage) - Mola being eaten by South American Sea Lions, Kelp and Kelp Floats.
Netherland Antilles / Dutch Caribbean National Parks. 13 hrs of coverage on all 6 Islands of Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao, Saba, Statia and St Martin - Above and underwater. All aspects
Netherland Antilles / Dutch Caribbean National Parks. 13 hrs of coverage on all 6 Islands of Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao, Saba, Statia and St Martin - Above and underwater. All aspects
Short Demo Reel of Stock Content Cenotes, Mexico, Indonesian Mantas, Reef Life, Azores Whales, Dolphin, Schools, Mexico Billfish, Maine Ice, Fox, Bahamas Sharks, Alaska Glaciers, Indonesia Forest life, Vipers, Tarsiers and Black Macaques.